The US executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding in WWII John McCain recently reminded the nation of this fact: " ... following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding." John McCain on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 in a ....
Updated: 2009/04/24 PM 8:45:42 |
CO2 emissions are actually good for mankind and we need more Dr. William Happer testifies that CO2 emissions are actually good for mankind and we need more Dr. William Happer is often introduced by supporters as the professor of Physics at Princeton University, and by detractors as Chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute (which was funded by Exxon Moblie). He gave a ....
Updated: 2009/04/18 AM 12:12:03 |
Temperature changes cause CO2 level changes (not the other way around) disproving 'Gobal Warming' The relationship between CO2 and climate can go in both directions Factors other than increased CO2 concentrations can initiate warming or cooling episodes (see, e.g., orbital forcing). The ice core record shows that on some occasions temperature starts rising hundreds of years before CO2 increases.[5][6] Such results confirm that the ....
Updated: 2009/03/07 AM 2:25:40 |
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The moon landing photos have crosshairs that appear to go behind objects, proving they're fake Some people claim that there are issues with the crosshairs (fiducials) that were etched onto the Reseau plate of the cameras used to photograph the moon landing. In some of the photos, the crosshairs do indeed appear to pass behind objects, rather than in front of them where they should be, as if the photos were altered. The ....
Updated: 2009/03/07 AM 5:15:02 |
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Extremist religious beliefs are the main motivating factor in terrorist suicide attacks The world leader in suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2004 is the secular Sri Lankan marxist group, Tamil Tigers. Pape's Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (2005) controverts many widely held beliefs about suicide terrorism.[3] Based on an analysis of every known case of suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2005 (315 attacks as part of ....
Updated: 2009/01/06 AM 6:08:43 |
Yo-Yos were once used as weapons A popular belief is that the yo-yo was a weapon for over 400 years in the Philippines.[1] However, the idea was debunked by the former president of the Filipino American National Historical Society[2] and by the chairman of the American Yo-Yo Association’s History and Collecting Committee.[3] Nonetheless, the allegation was used in a Diet ....
Updated: 2008/12/29 AM 9:15:05 |
Daddy Longlegs are the most venomous spider in the world, but their fangs can't penetrate human skin An urban legend states that they are the most venomous spider in the world, but that because their fangs are unable to penetrate human skin, they are harmless to humans. However, recent research has shown that pholcid venom has a relatively weak effect on insects. No similar research has been conducted to determine its effects on mammalian ....
Updated: 2008/12/29 AM 9:06:25 |
Sarah Palin has never shot a moose It's true, despite Saturday Night Live satirical rap lyrics, and multiple other references in the media, Sarah Palin has never shot a moose. She revealed this little known fact on Fox News with GRETA VAN SUSTEREN November 11, 2008: VAN SUSTEREN: Who shot the moose, though? PALIN: I think that maybe my dad did, or maybe my mom did. ....
Updated: 2008/11/23 AM 11:50:34 |
Oprah's name was originally "Orpah" Oprah Winfrey, (originally Orpah after the Biblical character in the Book of Ruth), was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, to unmarried parents. She later explained that her conception was due to a single sexual encounter that her two teenaged parents had; they quickly broke up not long after.[1] There are conflicting reports as to how her name ....
Updated: 2008/10/23 AM 11:17:57 |
The KKK endorsed Barack Obama The only source was a satirical news site The "British newspaper" that created the story that the KKK endorsed Barack Obama displays the disclaimer at the bottom of every article (including the one about the KKK endorsement): "The Daily Squib is a satirical publication and should therefore not be taken too fu**ing ....
Updated: 2008/10/06 PM 1:31:02 |
Photo shows Sarah Palin's daughter (Piper) giving the middle finger flipping the bird, flicking off
This photo appears to show Sarah Palin's kid (Piper) giving the middle finger: But here is the original from Governor Palin's official website: Sources: http://i35.tinypic.com/2czc1ua.jpg The Online office of Governor Sarah Palin: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/large_photo.php?id=175 www.gamespot.com ....
Updated: 2008/10/04 AM 11:48:07 |
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Urine helps jellyfish stings Urban myth states that urine works well against jellyfish stings, although it is at best ineffective and in some cases may make the injury worse.[1][2][3] Human urine is normally relatively free of bacteria, since the bladder itself is normally a sterile environment, and drinking small amounts of one's own urine is unlikely to be harmful.[12] ....
Updated: 2008/09/26 AM 10:06:30 |
Hundreds of former legislators are now lobbying for big oil and special interests in Washington Minnesota Senatorial candidate Al Franken claims in one ad that "Hundreds of former Senators and Congressman are lobbying for big oil and special interests in Washington." This is what is known as a "Revolving door" in political science and is used to the describe the phenomena in capitalist societies where ....
Updated: 2008/09/16 AM 9:43:06 |
Some nasal sprays can cause 'rebound congestion' and promote improper habitual use Rhinitis medicamentosa (or RM) is a condition of rebound nasal congestion brought on by extended use of topical decongestants (e.g., oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazolinenasal sprays) that work by constricting blood vessels in the lining of the nose. Presentation This condition typically occurs after 5 to 7 days of use of such ....
Updated: 2008/09/15 PM 6:47:01 |
We breathe through one nostril at a time In humans, the nasal cycle is the normal ultradian cycle of each nostril's blood vessels becoming engorged in swelling, then shrinking. During the course of a day, they will switch over approximately every four hours or so, meaning that only one nostril is used at any one time.[1] The nasal cycle is the periodic alternation in nasal airflow ....
Updated: 2008/09/15 PM 6:28:13 |
Chinese Ships Discovered the New World Seventy Years Earlier than Columbus The Author of the 1421 Theory Rowan Gavin Paton Menzies (born 1937) is a retired British submarine commander and amateur historian best known as the author of the controversial book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, which asserts that ships from the Chinese fleet of admiral Zheng He traveled to the Americas prior to Christopher ....
Updated: 2008/09/02 PM 11:41:05 |
Fluoride can actually be bad for teeth in some cases Dental fluorosis is a health condition caused by an overdose of fluoride. In its severe form it is characterized by black and brown stains, as well as cracking and pitting of the teeth. [1] Physiology Dental fluorosis occurs because of the excessive intake of fluoride either through fluoride in the water supply, naturally occurring or added to ....
Updated: 2008/09/02 PM 12:53:57 |
Video clip shows the reunion of two men with a lion named Christian they had raised as a cub Christian was a lion originally purchased by Australians John Rendall and Anthony 'Ace' Bourke from Harrods department store of London in 1969[1] and ultimately reintroduced to the wild. Relocation Rendall and Bourke (erroneously cited in various sources as Berg), with their girlfriends Jennifer Mary and Unity Jones, cared for the lion where ....
Updated: 2008/08/12 PM 6:06:13 |
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The artifical sweetner Aspartame can cause cancer The artificial sweetener aspartame has been the subject of vigorous public controversy regarding its safety and the circumstances around its approval. Many studies have recommended further investigation into the possible connection between aspartame and diseases such as brain tumors, brain lesions, and lymphoma.[1][2][3] These findings, combined ....
Updated: 2008/10/02 AM 10:18:30 |
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Breathalyzers can be made to report a false negative by putting something in your mouth before the test Breathalyzer Myths A common myth is that breath testers can be "fooled" (that is, made to generate estimates making one's blood alcohol content appear lower) by using certain substances. An episode of the Discovery Channel's MythBusters tested substances usually recommended in this practice—including breath mints, mouthwash, and ....
Updated: 2008/08/11 PM 3:59:54 |
Eating poppy seeds can result in a false positive for opiates in a drug test False positive drug tests Although the drug opium is produced by "milking" latex from the unripe fruits ("seed pods") rather than from the seeds, all parts of the plant can contain or carry the opium alkaloids, especially morphine and codeine. This means that eating foods (e.g., muffins) that contain poppy seeds can result in ....
Updated: 2008/06/24 AM 9:00:46 |
The estate tax often causes family farmers to sell thier farms "ONE OF THE chief arguments of those seeking permanent repeal of the estate tax is that it cruelly penalizes farmers and owners of small businesses whose heirs are forced to sell off their holdings to pay the tax. "In order to make sure our farms stay within our farming families, we need to get rid of the death tax once and for ....
Updated: 2008/06/12 PM 12:59:41 |
Getting married usually raises one's taxes Origin of the "marriage penalty" and the actions taken to eliminate it What became known as the "marriage penalty" originated in 1969, when Congress tried to equalize what was then an advantage for couples, as compared to single taxpayers. [1] In 1996, forty-two percent of married taxpayers paid more because they were ....
Updated: 2008/06/12 PM 1:15:44 |
Cold water boils faster than hot water It is physically impossible for cold water to boil faster This is myth that falls into the "suspend the laws of physics" category. The October 21, 1998 issue of Scientific American states: "Cold water does not boil faster than hot water. The rate of heating of a liquid depends on the magnitude of the temperature difference ....
Updated: 2008/06/09 PM 5:04:32 |
The Red Bull energy drink contains an ingredient extracted from bull urine and semen Taurine was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 Taurine is named after the Latin taurus, which means bull, as it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by Austrian scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. It is often called an amino acid, even in scientific literature,[4][5][6] but as it lacks a carboxyl group it is not strictly an ....
Updated: 2008/06/09 PM 5:13:20 |
Wedding rice or Alka-seltzer is harmful to birds, and can cause them to explode Species such as the bobolink regularly eat rice and other raw grains in the field. Some people believe feeding birds with dry grains, such as rice, barley or wheat, the seeds would expand in volume in birds' stomachs and cause them to explode (some people throw birdseed at weddings instead due to concern about the fate of birds eating ....
Updated: 2008/05/29 PM 6:44:34 |
The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, 'Israel must be wiped off the map' "Vanish from the page of time" translation Many news sources have presented one of Ahmadinejad's phrases in Persian as a statement that "Israel must be wiped off the map",[1][2][3] an English idiom which means to "cause a place to stop to exist",[4] or to "obliterate totally",[5] or ....
Updated: 2008/05/20 AM 10:15:46 |
Storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer keeps it fresh What keeps coffee fresh? Looking at the facts, we learn that the natural enemies of fresh roasted coffee are light, heat and moisture. Storing your coffee away from them will keep it fresher longer. Therefore, an airtight container stored in a cool, dry, dark place is the best environment for your coffee. But why not the freezer, It's cool ....
Updated: 2008/05/20 PM 6:59:58 |
Searing meat helps seal in its juices The origin of the "searing" myth The belief that searing meat "seals in the juices" is widespread and still often repeated. This theory was first put forth by Justus von Liebig,[2] a German chemist and food scientist, around 1850. The notion was embraced by contemporary cooks and authors including Auguste ....
Updated: 2008/08/11 PM 4:10:13 |
Putting the avocado pits in guacamole keeps it from turning brown Adding a pit will only stop browning where guacamole does not contact oxygen A common misconception is that putting the avocado pits into the guacamole during storage will prevent this browning. This has no basis in fact. Once the avocado fruit has been cut and the contents mashed, an enzyme released from inside the cells of the avocado flesh ....
Updated: 2008/05/16 AM 8:58:56 |
Cutting lettuce with a metal knife causes it to brown faster than tearing the leaves or using a plastic knife Tearing lettuce leaves into pieces prevents browning "Tear lettuce leaves into pieces. If practical, do not cut or slice lettuce leaves in advance. Damaged cut lettuce leaves release an ascorbic acid oxidase, which destroys vitamin C. Cut edges also discolor quickly." ....
Updated: 2008/05/15 PM 10:46:38 |
Science experiments have shown how positive thoughts have beautiful effects on water crystals Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments consist of exposing water in glasses to "Love and Gratitude" ....
Updated: 2008/05/07 AM 10:18:25 |
A dog was starved to death as part of an art exhibit in Costa Rica The dog was in a state of starvation when captured It is reported in blogs, Internet forums and YouTube uploads that in 2007 Guillermo Vargas allegedly took a stray dog called Natividad from the streets of Managua, Nicaragua, and tied it to a short leash as an exhibit in an art gallery. It was initially reported that the dog was left to die ....
Updated: 2008/04/21 PM 5:04:02 |
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A baseball pitcher once struck a dove in flight, causing it to 'explode' During spring training, in Tucson, Arizona, March 25, 2001, baseball pitcher Randy Johnson threw a fastball that struck a dove in flight, causing it to "explode" mid-air in a cloud of feathers. The video is one of the most famous and popular clips exhibited in modern sports blooper ....
Updated: 2008/08/13 AM 7:06:09 |
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Elephants have been trained to paint 'self portraits' Some elephants in Thailand have been trained to paint 'self portraits'. Many people who have watched this video have asked the question "Is this fake??". It turns out the video is real, but the elephants have only been trained to outline and color paintings they've been taught to reproduce. They don't come up with ....
Updated: 2008/04/11 AM 11:56:40 |
Humans have already been cloned Humans Have Already Been Cloned by Russ Kick Excerpted from "You Are Being Lied To" It’s now routine to see news stories about various mammals being cloned. Almost always, these reports mention that this “brings us one step closer to cloning humans,” “human clones are right around ....
Updated: 2008/03/29 PM 12:31:04 |
The creators of the X-files forshadowed 9/11 conspiracy theories prior to 9/11 The Lone Gunmen, a spin-off of the popular series The X-Files, was a television show that aired on FOX, featuring the characters of the same name. The show first aired in March 2001 and, despite good reviews, was cancelled due to a drop in ratings.[1] The last episode aired in June 2001. The debut of the show in March of 2001, began with ....
Updated: 2008/04/08 PM 4:29:51 |
Saint Patrick used the shamrock to illustrate the holy trinity The story was first recorded 1200 years after his death. "There is no historical evidence that St Patrick had any connection with shamrock; nothing can be traced in historical documents to confirm the legend that he preached to the Irish people using a trefoil (three leaflets on one stalk) as a parable for the Holy Trinity (Three Persons ....
Updated: 2008/03/29 AM 9:35:08 |
Saint Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland Glaciers, Not St. Patrick, Kept Snakes out of Ireland Pious legend credits Patrick with banishing snakes from the island by ringing his bell from the top of Croagh Patrick, but post-glacial Ireland never had snakes;[1][2][3] one suggestion is that snakes referred to the serpent symbolism of the Druids of that time and place, as shown for ....
Updated: 2008/03/29 AM 9:05:39 |
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Coconut water can be used as a replacement for blood as an intravenous fluid Coconut water has the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood Coconut water is known to have been used in emergency cases as an intravenous hydration fluid, when there is a lack of standard IV fluid. Researchers report that coconut water is high in potassium, chloride, and calcium, and might be indicated in situations calling ....
Updated: 2008/03/23 PM 10:12:30 |