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  The US executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding in WWII John McCain recently reminded the nation of this fact: " ... following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding." John McCain on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 in a ....
  Updated: 2009/04/24 PM 8:45:42


  Temperature changes cause CO2 level changes (not the other way around) disproving 'Gobal Warming' The relationship between CO2 and climate can go in both directions Factors other than increased CO2 concentrations can initiate warming or cooling episodes (see, e.g., orbital forcing). The ice core record shows that on some occasions temperature starts rising hundreds of years before CO2 increases.[5][6] Such results confirm that the ....
  Updated: 2009/03/07 AM 2:25:40  1  1


  Extremist religious beliefs are the main motivating factor in terrorist suicide attacks The world leader in suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2004 is the secular Sri Lankan marxist group, Tamil Tigers. Pape's Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (2005) controverts many widely held beliefs about suicide terrorism.[3] Based on an analysis of every known case of suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2005 (315 attacks as part of ....
  Updated: 2009/01/06 AM 6:08:43


  Sarah Palin has never shot a moose It's true, despite Saturday Night Live satirical rap lyrics, and multiple other references in the media, Sarah Palin has never shot a moose.  She revealed this little known fact on Fox News with GRETA VAN SUSTEREN November 11, 2008: VAN SUSTEREN: Who shot the moose, though? PALIN: I think that maybe my dad did, or maybe my mom did. ....
  Updated: 2008/11/23 AM 11:50:34


  The KKK endorsed Barack Obama The only source was a satirical news site The "British newspaper" that created the story that the KKK endorsed Barack Obama displays the disclaimer at the bottom of every article (including the one about the KKK endorsement): "The Daily Squib is a satirical publication and should therefore not be taken too fu**ing ....
  Updated: 2008/10/06 PM 1:31:02


  Photo shows Sarah Palin's daughter (Piper) giving the middle finger flipping the bird, flicking off
This photo appears to show Sarah Palin's kid (Piper) giving the middle finger: But here is the original from Governor Palin's official website: Sources: http://i35.tinypic.com/2czc1ua.jpg The Online office of Governor Sarah Palin: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/large_photo.php?id=175 www.gamespot.com  ....
  Updated: 2008/10/04 AM 11:48:07  2  1


  Hundreds of former legislators are now lobbying for big oil and special interests in Washington Minnesota Senatorial candidate Al Franken claims in one ad that "Hundreds of former Senators and Congressman are lobbying for big oil and special interests in Washington." This is what is known as a "Revolving door" in political science and is used to the describe the phenomena in capitalist societies where ....
  Updated: 2008/09/16 AM 9:43:06


  The artifical sweetner Aspartame can cause cancer The artificial sweetener aspartame has been the subject of vigorous public controversy regarding its safety and the circumstances around its approval. Many studies have recommended further investigation into the possible connection between aspartame and diseases such as brain tumors, brain lesions, and lymphoma.[1][2][3] These findings, combined ....
  Updated: 2008/10/02 AM 10:18:30  0  1


  The estate tax often causes family farmers to sell thier farms "ONE OF THE chief arguments of those seeking permanent repeal of the estate tax is that it cruelly penalizes farmers and owners of small businesses whose heirs are forced to sell off their holdings to pay the tax. "In order to make sure our farms stay within our farming families, we need to get rid of the death tax once and for ....
  Updated: 2008/06/12 PM 12:59:41


  Getting married usually raises one's taxes Origin of the "marriage penalty" and the actions taken to eliminate it What became known as the "marriage penalty" originated in 1969, when Congress tried to equalize what was then an advantage for couples, as compared to single taxpayers. [1] In 1996, forty-two percent of married taxpayers paid more because they were ....
  Updated: 2008/06/12 PM 1:15:44


  By the end of 'Roger & Me' Michael Moore never got to interview Roger Smith Moore actually got a lenghty Q&A with Roger Smith before the film came out While Moore depicted an evasive Roger Smith, then-Chairman of General Motors, in his breakout documentary Roger and Me, Moore actually spoke with Smith twice.[2][3] Moore had a lengthy exchange with Smith at a May 1987 GM shareholders meeting yet never included it ....
  Updated: 2008/02/27 PM 3:03:30  0  1


  The Supreme Court denied a recount in 2000 because it would have done 'irreparable harm' to George Bush The wording of Scalia's concurrence of the verdict in Bush v. Gore "The counting of votes that are of questionable legality does in my view threaten irreparable harm to petitioner Bush, and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election."[2] Criticism (What about the 'irreparable harm' ....
  Updated: 2008/02/26 PM 8:35:21  1  2


  Michelle Obama said she has never been proud of America until now The statement: On February 18, 2008, Michelle Obama commented that "People in this country are ready for change, and hungry for a different kind of politics and let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." As the campaign ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:40:11  1  0


  George W. Bush's grandfather (Prescott Bush) illegally traded with the Nazis during WWII Banking With Hitler Harriman Bank was the main Wall Street connection for several German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen had been an early financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938, but by 1939 had fled Germany and was bitterly denouncing Hitler. He was later jailed by the Nazis for his ....
  Updated: 2008/02/11 AM 2:44:01  1  1


  Al Gore took credit for breaking the Love Canal story
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  Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are cousins Lynn Cheney Discovers Obama and Dick are Eighth Cousins Obama camp responds to revelation: ‘Every family has a black sheep’ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21340764/ updated 6:27 a.m. CT, Wed., Oct. 17, 2007 function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) ....
  Updated: 2008/02/05 PM 3:32:29


  Barack Obama was sworn in to office on a Koran Obama Was Sworn in on a Bible Some e-mails circulating the internet claimed Barack Obama was sworn in on a Koran: When Obama was sworn into office, "he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Kuran (Their equivalency to our Bible, but very different beliefs)." Chain e-mail on Wednesday, December 19th, 2007 "The e-mail ....
  Updated: 2008/02/05 PM 3:11:48


  Barack Obama attended an muslim school called a "Madrassa" Origin of the "Madrassa Myth" On January 17, 2007, Insight Magazine published an unsourced article claiming advisors to American presidential candidate U.S.Senator Hillary Clinton had discovered that rival candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama was a former Muslim, had been educated in a Wahhabist "Madrassa" as a child in ....
  Updated: 2008/02/04 PM 12:43:15


  Barack Obama didn't hold his hand over his heart during the U.S. national anthem The Photo The photograph is real, it was taken at an Iowa steak fry event and published by Time. E-mail Erroneously Claims Obama Refused to Say Pledge -----QUOTE ON----- Boy, that's exactly who we need as President! Does this man not cross his heart when the National Anthem is playing, or when the flag is raised or lowered? OR, ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:41:08


  The FBI pressured Martin Luther King, Jr. to kill himself The Suicide Letter Martin Luther King, Jr. was a frequent target of investigation. The FBI found no evidence of any crime, but attempted to use tapes of King involved in sexual activity for blackmail. In his 1991 memoirs, Washington Post journalist Carl Rowan points out that the FBI had sent, along with copies of these tapes, at least one ....
  Updated: 2008/02/13 PM 11:01:01


  Martin Luther King, Jr. plagiarized in college First Discovery of King's Plagiarism During the late 1980s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s papers were donated by his wife Coretta Scott King to the Stanford University's King Papers Project.  As the papers were being organized and worked on, the staff of the project made a discovery that dismayed them — King's doctoral ....
  Updated: 2008/02/13 PM 11:19:39


  Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist sympathizer Public Statements Though Martin Luther King's public language was guarded, so as to avoid being linked to communism by his political enemies, in private he sometimes spoke of his support for democratic socialism: “You can't talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can't talk ....
  Updated: 2008/02/13 PM 11:20:19


  An 1886 Supreme Court decision ruled corporations are persons The Definition Was Only Found in the Headnotes In 1886, John Chandler Bancroft Davis (1822-1907), added commentary in the headnotes to the case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company that defined a corporation as a legal person.  Davis was the former president of the Newburgh & New York Railroad, and Reporter of ....
  Updated: 2008/02/11 PM 10:55:02  1  0


  Republican officials delayed the release of US hostages in Iran to prevent Carter's re-election in 1980 The October Surprise conspiracy was an alleged plot that claimed representatives of the 1980 Ronald Reagan campaign had conspired with Islamic Republic of Iran to delay the release of 52 Americans held hostage in Tehran until after the 1980 U.S. Presidential election. In exchange for their cooperation, the United States would supply weapons to ....
  Updated: 2008/02/08 PM 1:33:59


  Some of the 9/11 hijackers came through Canada and Mexico True or false? Shortly before Sept. 11, 2001, several of the terrorists who would carry out the attacks that day slipped into the United States from Canada. False. The History of the 'Canadian Border' Myth The history of this myth is interesting to follow in the mainstream press: On Sept. 13 a Boston Globe story said ....
  Updated: 2008/02/11 PM 10:42:04


  Lynne Cheney wrote a novel that contained a lesbian romance Lynne Cheney prefers to describe the female relationship described in her novel, Sisters as "in question" and "a historical mystery".  However, the way it was written, it definitely implies a lesbian relationship took place within her narrative. Sisters is a 1981 novel by Lynne Cheney published only in a Signet Canadian ....
  Updated: 2008/01/18 AM 11:53:42  4  1


  Donald Rumsfeld said he knew where the WMD in Iraq were 27-year CIA veteran Ray McGovern confronted Secratary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about his 2003 claim about WMD, “We know where they are.” Rumsfeld told the audience he never said it.  Mr. McGovern then read Rumsfeld’s quote back to him: However, Rumsfeld did say he knew where the WMD were. From ABC’s This ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:39:13  1  1


  Reagan compared the Mujahidin (later Al-queda) to the Founding Fathers No Original Source Can Be Found Many sources claim that Ronald Reagan said that the Mujahidin in Afghanistan (that later evolved into Al-queda) were the "moral equivalent to the Founding Fathers".  "In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:46:25


  The Pentagon confirmed collaboration between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden The 'Feith Memo' is the Only Source An internal government memo dated October 27, 2003 by Douglas J. Feith has been the primary source for many who claim that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were in collaboration prior to 9/11. The Pentagon Rejects the 'Feith Memo' But the Department of Defense itself said that the memo was ....
  Updated: 2008/02/15 PM 7:21:11


  Molotov cocktails were thrown in the 1999 Seattle WTO protests Origins of the Molotov Myth The New York Times printed an erroneous article that stated that protesters at the 1999 WTO convention in Seattle threw Molotov cocktails.  (The protest was later dubbed the "Battle in Seattle").   Two days later the New York Times printed a correction, but the original error persisted in later ....
  Updated: 2008/04/09 PM 5:37:58


  Every inteligence agency in the world believed Saddam had WMDs Statement by John McCain Senator John McCain propagated this myth after it was clear no WMDs would be found in Iraq.  To be fair, many intelligence agencies certainly did not trust Saddam's declarations that he had destroyed all of his WMDs.  However, to say they all believed he definitely had WMDs in his possession was quite an ....
  Updated: 2008/02/06 AM 11:19:28


  George Bush pronounced that Nelson Mandela was dead Clips of President Bush saying the Nelson Mandela (South Africa's former President and leader for peace against Apartheid) was dead, or killed by Saddam were taken out of context. Bush was saying that the peacemakers of Iraq, (who he referred to as the "Mandelas") were dead because Saddam killed them all. Many websites took the ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:36:22


  Al Gore said he invented the Internet The "Invented Internet" Rumor While campaigning against Al Gore during the 2000 presidential elections George Bush said, "Yes, [Gore] is so confident about his abilities he claimed he invented the Internet.  But if he was so smart, how come all the Internet addresses start with W?"  -October 28, 2000  ....
  Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:36:33

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