CO2 emissions are actually good for mankind and we need more Dr. William Happer testifies that CO2 emissions are actually good for mankind and we need more Dr. William Happer is often introduced by supporters as the professor of Physics at Princeton University, and by detractors as Chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute (which was funded by Exxon Moblie). He gave a ....
Updated: 2009/04/18 AM 12:12:03 |
Temperature changes cause CO2 level changes (not the other way around) disproving 'Gobal Warming' The relationship between CO2 and climate can go in both directions Factors other than increased CO2 concentrations can initiate warming or cooling episodes (see, e.g., orbital forcing). The ice core record shows that on some occasions temperature starts rising hundreds of years before CO2 increases.[5][6] Such results confirm that the ....
Updated: 2009/03/07 AM 2:25:40 |
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Daddy Longlegs are the most venomous spider in the world, but their fangs can't penetrate human skin An urban legend states that they are the most venomous spider in the world, but that because their fangs are unable to penetrate human skin, they are harmless to humans. However, recent research has shown that pholcid venom has a relatively weak effect on insects. No similar research has been conducted to determine its effects on mammalian ....
Updated: 2008/12/29 AM 9:06:25 |
Wedding rice or Alka-seltzer is harmful to birds, and can cause them to explode Species such as the bobolink regularly eat rice and other raw grains in the field. Some people believe feeding birds with dry grains, such as rice, barley or wheat, the seeds would expand in volume in birds' stomachs and cause them to explode (some people throw birdseed at weddings instead due to concern about the fate of birds eating ....
Updated: 2008/05/29 PM 6:44:34 |
Ozone depletion has stopped increasing and the ozone layer will heal in about 50 years Montreal Protocol in 1987 has stopped the increase of ozone depletion "Because of measures taken under the [Montreal Protocol in 1987], emissions of ozone-depleting substances are already falling. Based on measurements of total inorganic chlorine in the atmosphere, which stopped increasing ....
Updated: 2008/02/17 PM 10:33:45 |
Ozone depletion is causing global warming Ozone depletion, the steady decline in the total amount of ozone in Earth's stratosphere, is frequently cited in relation to global warming. Although there are areas of linkage, the relationship between the two is not strong. There are four areas of linkage: The same CO2 radiative forcing that produces near-surface global warming is ....
Updated: 2008/02/17 PM 10:34:57 |
The U.S. is running out of landfill space One Garbage Barge Story Started the Rumors The idea that we are running out of landfill space can be traced to the spring of 1987 when a garbage barge named Mobro 4000 spent two months and 6,000 miles touring the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico looking for a home for its load (Miller 2000, 1–14). "Mobro set off in March 1987 ....
Updated: 2008/02/17 PM 3:13:48 |
Recycling paper saves trees Most of the Trees Harvested For Paper Are Planted For That Purpose and Replaced "Does the use of recycled paper save trees? Surprisingly it may not save trees - but it uses their fibre more efficiently. Trees are often planted and cut as a crop, for other purposes than papermaking. However, recycling does make the best use of the ....
Updated: 2008/02/10 PM 10:31:07 |
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Recycling paper pollutes more than making new paper A 2003 Article Cites a 1989 Study Daniel K. Benjamin, in his often cited paper "Eight Great Myths of Recycling" (2003), cites a 1989 EPA study to make the claim that recycling paper is more polluting than making new paper: "...the EPA examined both virgin paper processing and recycled paper processing for toxic substances. Five ....
Updated: 2008/02/10 PM 7:09:35 |
The Norse called Newfoundland 'Vinland' because of the wild grapes they found there Climate Has Never Supported Wild Grapes Proxy reconstructions show that the Medieval Warm Period (when the Vikings are said to have discovered North America) was not as warm as today's climate (which does not support wild grape growth in that area).[1][2][3] The NOAA's paleoclimate website has this to say: What records that do exist show ....
Updated: 2008/02/09 PM 2:57:46 |
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Rainforests are the 'Earth's lungs' which produce much of our oxygen Rainforests are Essentially Oxygen Neutral Tropical rain forests are often called the "Earth's lungs", however there is no scientific basis for such a claim as tropical rainforests are known to be essentially oxygen neutral, with little or no net oxygen production.[1].[2] "Many good reasons exist for placing deforestation near ....
Updated: 2008/03/21 PM 9:44:31 |
It takes more energy to make recycled paper than new paper There is More to Making Paper Than Just Making Paper "If we look at the paper-making process alone, then it does indeed normally take more energy to make paper from waste paper than from pulp because of the extra cleaning involved, but …….. pulp does not grow on trees! If we include all the other energy requirements involved ....
Updated: 2008/02/08 PM 10:09:18 |