Yo-Yos were once used as weapons A popular belief is that the yo-yo was a weapon for over 400 years in the Philippines.[1] However, the idea was debunked by the former president of the Filipino American National Historical Society[2] and by the chairman of the American Yo-Yo Association’s History and Collecting Committee.[3] Nonetheless, the allegation was used in a Diet ....
Updated: 2008/12/29 AM 9:15:05 |
Sarah Palin has never shot a moose It's true, despite Saturday Night Live satirical rap lyrics, and multiple other references in the media, Sarah Palin has never shot a moose. She revealed this little known fact on Fox News with GRETA VAN SUSTEREN November 11, 2008: VAN SUSTEREN: Who shot the moose, though? PALIN: I think that maybe my dad did, or maybe my mom did. ....
Updated: 2008/11/23 AM 11:50:34 |
Oprah's name was originally "Orpah" Oprah Winfrey, (originally Orpah after the Biblical character in the Book of Ruth), was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, to unmarried parents. She later explained that her conception was due to a single sexual encounter that her two teenaged parents had; they quickly broke up not long after.[1] There are conflicting reports as to how her name ....
Updated: 2008/10/23 AM 11:17:57 |
Science experiments have shown how positive thoughts have beautiful effects on water crystals Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments consist of exposing water in glasses to "Love and Gratitude" ....
Updated: 2008/05/07 AM 10:18:25 |
A dog was starved to death as part of an art exhibit in Costa Rica The dog was in a state of starvation when captured It is reported in blogs, Internet forums and YouTube uploads that in 2007 Guillermo Vargas allegedly took a stray dog called Natividad from the streets of Managua, Nicaragua, and tied it to a short leash as an exhibit in an art gallery. It was initially reported that the dog was left to die ....
Updated: 2008/04/21 PM 5:04:02 |
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A baseball pitcher once struck a dove in flight, causing it to 'explode' During spring training, in Tucson, Arizona, March 25, 2001, baseball pitcher Randy Johnson threw a fastball that struck a dove in flight, causing it to "explode" mid-air in a cloud of feathers. The video is one of the most famous and popular clips exhibited in modern sports blooper ....
Updated: 2008/08/13 AM 7:06:09 |
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By the end of 'Roger & Me' Michael Moore never got to interview Roger Smith Moore actually got a lenghty Q&A with Roger Smith before the film came out While Moore depicted an evasive Roger Smith, then-Chairman of General Motors, in his breakout documentary Roger and Me, Moore actually spoke with Smith twice.[2][3] Moore had a lengthy exchange with Smith at a May 1987 GM shareholders meeting yet never included it ....
Updated: 2008/02/27 PM 3:03:30 |
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One James Bond girl in 'For Your Eyes Only' used to be a man Unbeknownst to the Producers, 'Bond Girl' Was Previously a Man Caroline "Tula" Cossey (born August 31, 1954, in Brooke, Norfolk), is an English model. Born Barry Kenneth Cossey, she is one of the world's most well known transsexual people and the first to ever pose for ....
Updated: 2008/02/13 PM 2:18:05 |
The Wizard of Oz contains a scene in which an actual suicide can be seen Some Claim a Lovelorn Munchkin 'Suicide by Hanging' Some people claim that a love-lorn munchkin (others claim a stagehand) committed suicide by hanging himself on the set of the Wizard of Oz and that it can actually be seen in the film. The scene comes right after of the Tin Man sequence, as Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and ....
Updated: 2008/02/13 PM 12:41:22 |
A chicken in Colorado lived for over a year after its head had been cut off Mike the Headless Chicken Mike the Headless Chicken (April 1945 – March 1947) was a Wyandotte rooster (cockerel) that lived for 18 months after its head had been cut off. Thought by many to be a hoax, the bird was taken by its owner to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City to establish its authenticity.[1][2] The Beheading On ....
Updated: 2008/02/11 PM 7:36:04 |
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In the comics, a radioactive spider bite gave Spider-man web-slinging powers Spider-Man Had to Make Mechanical Web-shooters Spider-Man's web-shooters were perhaps his most distinguishing trait, after his costume. Peter had reasoned that a spider, (even a human one), needed a web. Since the radioactive spider-bite did not initially grant him the power to spin webs, he had instead found a way to produce them artificially. ....
Updated: 2008/03/21 PM 9:51:16 |
Humans use only 10% of their brains We Use All of Our Brains Even though many mysteries of brain function persist, every part of the brain has a known function.[1][2][3] Possible Origins for the 10% Myth This misconception most likely arose from a misunderstanding (or misrepresentation in an advertisement) of neurological research in the late 1800s or early 1900s when ....
Updated: 2008/02/07 PM 2:58:24 |
Bob Dylan said he sympathized with JFK's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald (receiving the award from Clark Foreman) Bob Dylan's speech accepting the "Tom Paine Award" in 1963 By the end of 1963, Dylan felt both manipulated and constrained by the folk and protest movements. Accepting the "Tom Paine Award" ....
Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:39:37 |
The saying O.K. began as a term for 'zero killed' The "Zero Killed" Rumor It has been suggested that in World War II the term "zero killed" was used when a unit suffered no casualties in combat, and that this was then shortened to 0K. This proposed etymology is grossly anachronistic, since by this time the term had been widely used for a full century. The same theory has ....
Updated: 2008/02/22 PM 12:39:27 |
Cookie Monster has been changed to 'Veggie Monster' Cookie is Eating More Fruits and Leafy Greens The beloved Cookie Monster from the children's television program "Sesame Street" has recently been eating more leafy greens, which is apparently so foreign to longtime watchers that it caused false Internet rumors that Cookie Monster's name had literally been changed to "Veggie ....
Updated: 2008/02/11 PM 10:12:19 |